How to Feel Better: alignment

In reaching the milestone of 150 episode of Love Your Life + Law of Attraction, I’ve been thinking about what I know now that I didn’t when I started this LoA journey. And I’ve been curious about what’s on my mind three years in.

Now, let me say right up front: I don’t have an earth-shattering epiphany to share with you.

But as I was reflecting on what’s on my mind, three things bubbled to the surface. If you’ve been listening to my podcast for long, these three things will sound familiar. So on the one hand, nothing new here.

Yet, I think that is an important point. Many of us already know what it is we need to know about Law of Attraction. It’s not some shiny new bit of information that is going to make the difference in creating deliberately and with ease versus creating by default and getting a mixed bag of manifestations.

Too often we know what we need to know, but are not putting what we know into practice. So this is to shine a spotlight on three concepts that are core to Law of Attraction. So core, in fact, you may very well already know them.

With each, I would encourage you to ask yourself: Am I moving beyond knowing this to to actually applying it my life? And I’m right there with you if the answer is Ummmm…some days yes and some days no.

That’s really, I think, why these three particular concepts are on my mind. I can use a refresher. Perhaps you can too. I know that I will benefit from going beyond knowing to actually applying. I’ll bet the same is true for you.

So let’s dive in to the three things on my mind 150 episodes into Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. And it just so happens these three things will be super easy to remember because they start with A, B, C.

The first thing on my mind at 150 episodes is about alignment.

Using Law of Attraction to your advantage always begins with alignment and always comes back to alignment. Because your alignment is everything.

My relationship with alignment has evolved since I started my LoA journey. Initially I thought of alignment more as a routine in the morning. An alignment routine. So starting my day with an alignment practice.

And while I still do, indeed, start each day with an emphasis on alignment, my perspective has evolved and expanded.

I now see my true alignment practice as something I’m doing all day long. In each moment of each day, I’m either in alignment or I’m not. In each moment I’m either headed in the direction of alignment or in the direction of misalignment.

So while I still find certain practices, routines, rituals to be very aligning, such as my amazing cup of coffee with heavy cream in the morning and writing appreciation in my little Paris notebooks, I see my real “work” is to make my alignment practice the practice of finding alignment moment by moment.

Rather than looking at alignment as this separate activity that I practice first thing in the morning for twenty minutes, I now ask myself how alignment can be integrated into all of my day.

The question then becomes: How can I find alignment now? How can I find alignment in this moment? How can I head—right now—in the direction of alignment?

How can I find alignment when I’m waiting on hold with Customer Service? When I’ve received an unexpected bill in the mail? When don’t get a good night’s sleep? When Hans and I have a disagreement?

How can I find alignment now? How can I find alignment in this moment?

You are always somewhere on the alignment continuum. Your emotions, of course, indicate your alignment or misalignment.

  • If you feel good, you are in alignment.
  • If you feel bad, you are out of alignment.

Too often, though, we are headed in the direction of misalignment. Or we’ve already arrived. We are decidedly out of alignment.

When we complain and blame, when we criticize and judge, when we focus on problems and what’s wrong, when we are focused on the absence or lack of what we want, we are in a state of misalignment.

One very simple way to think about alignment is this: Alignment is feeling good.

Well, what feels good?

Focusing on what I want feels good. Focusing on what I like. Focusing on what’s working. Appreciation feels good. Love feels good. Looking for positive aspects feels good.

If you are a regular listener of the podcast, you’ve probably heard me say those things before. But let’s not gloss past these core to LoA concepts. Alignment is feeling good, and when you focus on what you like, what you want, what you appreciate, you feel good.

When you give your attention to what feels good, you are headed in the direction of alignment.

All this is to say I am remembering the importance of alignment. And then re-remembering. And I’m expanding my perspective: Alignment is a moment by moment choice.

I’m committed to reaching for alignment, not only for a few minutes as a morning routine, but daily, hourly, moment by moment. I’m committed to alignment as a lifestyle.

Of course, I won’t do this perfectly. That’s absolutely OK. But I am choosing to make moving toward alignment my preferred choice, my preferred way of showing up in the world.

Will you join me in reaching for alignment, moment by moment? Will you join me in alignment as a lifestyle?

Moving on…the next thing on my mind at 150 episodes has to do with beliefs.

You have beliefs about so many things.

  • You have beliefs about every area of your life. You have beliefs about your health and your finances. You have beliefs about your job and your relationships.
  • You have beliefs about how the world works and your place in it You have beliefs about what is possible and what is not. About what is easy and what is hard.
  • You have beliefs about your past and your future. You have beliefs about your here and now.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

You, indeed, have many beliefs. Some of these beliefs make you feel good and some of these beliefs make you feel bad. Some of your beliefs serve you and some of your beliefs do not serve you.

Which brings me to the crux of the matter and that is: You can only create what your beliefs support. Which means your beliefs are often the difference between manifesting with ease versus struggling when it comes to manifesting what you want.

Here’s why beliefs are on my mind.

I’m noticing how often we gloss past this. Like, yeah, yeah, I know that. I can only create what my beliefs support.

Then we go on believing things that contradict our desire. We go on without creating new beliefs to support what we want. We go on believing in ways that cause us to feel negative emotion, which is a signal we are mis-creating.

It’s not enough to know in your head that you can only create what your beliefs support.

Sure, knowing is where you start. But then it’s putting this knowledge into action that is going to make the difference in your ability to manifest what you want. And the action I’m talking about is actually doing the belief work.

So much of manifesting is about beliefs. Either a belief you need to have that is missing or a belief you hold that is in the way of what you want.

I’ve noticed some of us avoid doing this belief work. And I’ve noticed many of us give beliefs too much power. I’ve had clients tell me they are intimidated at the idea of trying to change their beliefs.

That’s usually because they are putting beliefs on some kind of pedestal. They are looking at beliefs as entrenched and unchangeable. As carved in stone. As “the truth”.

Here’s a very simple way to look at a belief. A belief is a thought. And a thought is a sentence in your head. That’s not so intimidating, right?

If you change the sentence in your head—by that I mean you choose to think a different thought—you will, indeed, create a new belief.

A belief is really nothing more than a thought you’ve gotten really good at thinking. A thought you’ve practiced and put on autopilot.

So if you want a new belief, a different belief, a belief that serves you, it really is simply a matter of practicing a new thought.

I’m encouraging you to truly connect with this core LoA concept: You can only create what your beliefs support. Don’t gloss past what putting this wisdom into practice can do for you.

  • Do your beliefs support what you want to manifest?
  • Do your thoughts support what you want to manifest?
  • Do the sentences in your head support what you want to manifest?

Moving on, we’ve arrived at the third thing on my mind at 150 episodes: And that is circumstances.

You’ve probably heard me say on this podcast that circumstances are neutral. Well, let me express what I mean in a slightly different way: Circumstances do not cause your feelings. Instead, your thoughts cause your feelings.

Why is this important?

Well, because you don’t have control over every circumstance in life—and you don’t need to. However, you do have control over your thoughts. You are the manager of your mind. You are the thinker of your thoughts.

But here’s what I’ve noticed: Too many of us are treating circumstances as the cause of our feelings. Which means too many of us are trying to control circumstances in order to feel better.

But it just doesn’t work that way. You will not be able to use Law of Attraction to your advantage so long as your focus is on changing circumstances rather than realizing the creative power of your thought-feeling combo.

Blaming circumstances for how you feel is a missed opportunity when it comes to leveraging Law of Attraction. You’ll go through life constantly trying to control circumstances, which is exhausting and not that effective.

Blaming circumstances for how you feel is disempowering. If external circumstances are the cause of how you feel rather than your thoughts, it takes away your power.

Again, circumstances are neutral. It is your thoughts about circumstances that cause you to feel a certain way. The way you feel, meaning the vibration you offer, then attracts circumstances, people, events, situations, and things of a similar frequency, of a matching vibration.

This means the way to create new, desired circumstances is to be intentional about the thoughts you think so you are deliberate in the vibration you offer.

I’ll give you a personal example of doing this work.

Hans and I are not spending Thanksgiving this year with my Mom and my family. This will be the first time ever that I haven’t been home for Thanksgiving.

That is the circumstance. That is the neutral circumstance.

Now I want to be real here. The pre-LoA version of me would most decidedly not see that as a neutral circumstance. And I won’t sugar coat: The me today doesn’t like or want this circumstance. I would certainly rather the circumstance be different.

But, and this is the where the power comes in, I am choosing to view this circumstance as neutral and embrace that my thoughts about it will create my feelings.

  • I can choose to think thought about this circumstance that cause me to feel sad or angry.
  • I can choose thoughts that cause me to feel love and appreciation for my family.
  • I can choose thoughts that cause me to feel positive expectation and optimism about Thanksgiving next year.

Same circumstance, but totally different emotions.

Which means I can create and attract from a vibration of sadness and anger or I can create and attract from a vibration of love and appreciation. It’s my choice. The neutral circumstance remains the same, but my choice of thought will create entirely different emotions.

I’ve just shared the A, B, C of what’s on my mind at 150 episodes: Alignment, Beliefs, and Circumstances.

These concepts are on my mind because I know, for me, there’s an opportunity to remember what I already know and then to go beyond knowing to actually applying in my real life. I imagine you have the same opportunity.

  • Will you make alignment a lifestyle rather than only a morning routine?
  • Will you embrace beliefs that support what you want to create?
  • Will you take responsibility for your thoughts causing your feelings?