• What happens when you say “hard” and “difficult” dozens of times?

    I had coffee with a new acquaintance and she used the words “hard” and “difficult” at least three dozen times in a 30-minute period. I know because I started counting after the first few. Holding up a mirror Now, before you think I’m mean-spirited, I started counting because I wanted to give her constructive feedback. […]

  • The glass really IS half full & the absurdity of pessimism

    I can’t stop thinking about a quote I read the other day. “We possess such immense resources of power that pessimism is a laughable absurdity.” I’ve never really understood pessimism as a point of view. Maybe that’s why the quote resonates. Believing the worst is waiting around the corner, seeing the glass half empty, expecting […]

  • Are you afraid to color outside the lines?

    Have you noticed the adult coloring book craze? My sister clued me in about this trend awhile back as we browsed in a bookstore. Since then, these stress-relieving, creativity-encouraging coloring books seem to be everywhere. It’s a thing apparently. Seeing these coloring books brings back memories. I liked coloring as a kid. Getting out the […]

  • What makes you think you know what’s best for others?

    I don’t know what’s best for you. Or anyone else for that matter. And you don’t know what’s best for me. Or anyone else for that matter. Since those statements hold true for you, me, and everyone, this stands out: There’s a whole lot of advice giving going on. Usually unsolicited. Often disempowering. Here’s what […]

  • What do you do after you say, I don’t know how?

    What do you do after you say, I don’t know how? I’d like to find more meaningful work, but I don’t know how. I’d like to start a blog, but I don’t know how. I’d love to try travel hacking, but don’t know how to do it. I know it’s time to negotiate a higher […]

  • What if you don’t have to have all the answers?

    Recently one of my clients shared she feels the need to have all the answers in work situations, especially with clients. This pressure to always have the right answer at the ready is causing a lot of stress—not to mention the massive preparation it requires for any client interaction. And even with all that prep time, she […]

  • How can I pursue my dream when my plate is already full?

    Here’s an email I received this week. I get some variation of this question frequently, so thought I’d share my perspective. Q: I work full-time for a company, but dream about starting my own business. I’m afraid it would be impossible to juggle with all my other responsibilities, including a husband and two kids. I […]

  • What's your type? Judging or Perceiving?

    What’s your type? Judging or Perceiving?

    Of all the Myers-Briggs preference pairs, this one is the most challenging for many to wrap their minds around. Judging versus perceiving. Part of the initial confusion is caused by the terms themselves. Judging sounds like it means judgmental. Perceiving sounds like it’s about being perceptive. Neither is the case. So what are these two […]

  • Want to feel lousy? Listen to the voice of resistance.

    Steven Pressfield popularized the term resistance in The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles I nearly had whiplash the first time I read this book from nodding so enthusiastically in agreement. It’s one of those life-changing reads. Very simply put: Pressfield says we encounter the resistance any time […]

  • How to get unstuck with one simple question

    I have a question for getting unstuck that works every single time. Without exception. I’ve used it to start and sell a company. I’ve used it to figure out my own style of networking and grow my community. I’ve used it to navigate my father’s illness and establish a new norm in the world without […]