• 5 ways to know if it’s high vibe or trying to fill a hole

    The distinction between high vibe versus trying to fill a hole can apply to anything, but seems particularly relevant when it comes to personal development. So think about the books you read, workshops you attend, classes you take, courses you enroll in, podcasts you listen to… How do you know if taking that class about […]

  • Love Your Life #083: How to know if it’s high vibe versus trying to fill a hole

    Welcome to Love Your Life + Law of Attraction. Today we’re going to talk about how to know when something is high vibe or trying to fill a hole. To access this episode, join LYL Premium. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… How we sometimes pursue personal development from a place […]

  • Maybe it’s not a lack of willpower…but a missing skill

    You’re asked to use software completely unfamiliar to you… You try a complicated new cooking technique… You take on new responsibilities at work outside your expertise…. What happens? You struggle. At least at first. And if you never build the skill or acquire the knowledge you need, you’ll probably continue to struggle. Gap in skills and […]

  • Learning to say Yes and No with ease

    A client recently made a distinction about the type of speaking engagements she accepts. She’s not interested in creating content and traveling to deliver a presentation to grow the knowledge of an audience. Instead, it’s only worth her time if she’s building the skills of audience members. Which means at the end of one of […]

  • Do you need to go on a content consumption diet?

    We live in a world where ideas have never been more accessible. Thought-provoking, life-enhancing, and useful content is just clicks away. I like to think of myself as a lifelong learner, but admit I’m also an idea junkie. I follow over 200 blogs through Feedly. I listen to dozens of podcasts each month. You can […]

  • Want to feel lousy? Listen to the voice of resistance.

    Steven Pressfield popularized the term resistance in The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles I nearly had whiplash the first time I read this book from nodding so enthusiastically in agreement. It’s one of those life-changing reads. Very simply put: Pressfield says we encounter the resistance any time […]

  • But don’t you want to look at my resume?

    What’s the single most important factor in making a successful career transition? It’s not polishing your resume or letting everyone know you’re looking to make a career change. It’s not upgrading your skills, reading a book about interviewing, or even networking. No, a successful career transition starts in advance of those activities. It begins by […]

  • Do you live in the land of lack?

    Dearth. Deficit. Deprivation. Deficiency. There’s never enough. Enough time. Enough money. Enough connections. Enough knowledge. I’ve encountered this scarcity mentality a lot lately. In fact, oxymoron that it is: Some people seem to thrive on lacking something. They seem to have a surplus of deficiency. What’s your filter? It’s one thing to be aware of a gap […]

  • Have you had a teaching moment today?

    Have you had a teaching moment today?

    I was having lunch with a friend the other day and the subject of LeBron James came up. My friend was appalled at LeBron’s decision to go to the Miami Heat. During our discussion, he said he used the primetime event as a teaching moment about selfishness with his young son. I love the idea of extracting […]