• Are you getting more than you’re giving up?

    The other day a client was lamenting a bad habit she’d developed: Hitting the snooze button and rolling over for a few more minutes of sleep…and then hitting snooze for a few more minutes…and then snoozing again. The result of this nearly hour-long snooze and roll? She was still technically getting up “on time”—if on […]

  • 3 ways to be luckier by the end of the day

    My dictionary says luck is success or failure brought by chance rather than through your own actions. Yes, there’s that kind of luck. Fate. Kismet. Destiny. But there’s a different kind too. The kind of luck that very much depends on the actions you take. Because when it comes to being lucky, there’s plenty you […]

  • A friction-filled life is not just the way it is

    Where’s the friction in your life? Where do you feel tension or experience resistance? Where is there disharmony or a drag on your energy? Friction comes in all shapes and sizes. Maybe it’s the strained relationship with your mother-in-law or last-minute requests from your boss. Maybe it shows up when you think about your retirement […]

  • Not now doesn't mean not ever

    Not now doesn’t mean not ever

    I’m a collector of mindsets. I notice them in myself. I listen for them in other people. I love reading about them. I write about them. I try them on to see what the world looks like through their lens. And I’m always on the lookout for mindsets I haven’t encountered before. Several years ago […]

  • Mindset: Dreams are impractical

    Dreams are impractical. Or are they?

    It hurts my heart when someone says dreams are impractical. Hurts my head and soul too. And I do hear it. At least a couple times a month. Sometimes more. I’ve heard it from clients, workshop attendees, the woman doing my nails, the man seated next to me on the plane. This bleak mindset sometimes […]

  • Are you all about the worst-case scenario?

    Do you regularly steel yourself for the worst? Does your mind take a little information and run with it into the future thinking about negative scenarios? When faced with anything new or outside your comfort zone, do you assume you’ll fall short, it won’t work out, or that something catastrophic will happen? My spouse says […]