• I’m not special. You can have this superpower too.

    One of my superpowers is detecting limiting beliefs. They’re rotten for your confidence and your future. You know, thoughts like I’m just not creative or I’m too old to make a career change. Here’s what I believe: There are enough external obstacles out there without putting internal ones in your way too. But this wasn’t […]

  • Isn’t it time to reclaim your energy?

    I just hate tolerations. Those pesky energy drains that have a sneaky way of accumulating. One becomes two becomes many. It’s the conversation you don’t have even though you know you need to. It’s the To Do you leave undone, moving it to tomorrow’s list, over and over. It’s the boundary you don’t set and […]

  • What mindset are you operating from right now?

    It’s easy to get so busy—so caught up in doing—that you go on autopilot and develop a mindset that becomes more about merely getting through the day. When you do things without thinking, it’s easy to develop ways of thinking that don’t serve you. To get off autopilot you need to pause long enough to […]