The inspiration for this post stems from recent coaching sessions where a client was saying positive-sounding words, but feeling anything but positive.

For instance, a client said, I know clients are coming. That sounds positive, right?

But then revealed she’s actually feeling doubt and desperation. Doubt and desperation are not a match to her positive-sounding affirmation.

Another client said, I’m fine with not getting the promotion at work. I know something even better is going to unfold.

Oh wow—that sounds high vibe, right? But then my client shared what she is feeling, despite those positive-sounding words, is insecurity and unworthiness. Again, there’s a disconnect between the words and the emotion.

I’m not trying to talk anyone out of speaking in an upbeat, positive way. Words, of course, do matter.

But words are not in the driver’s seat in terms of your creative power. Instead, it is first and foremost your vibration that matters.

“The Universe doesn’t hear what you are saying. It feels the vibration you are offering.” —Abraham

Imagine for a moment you spend all of today without words. You are not offering communication with words—not the ones you speak aloud, not the ones you say to yourself in your head, not the ones you write on paper in your journal.

You are not communicating with words. Instead, you are communicating with the vibration you offer. And that vibration is based on the emotions you feel. So not words, vibration.

Because that is how you truly are communicating, today and always. You are communicating with your vibration and your vibration is how you feel.

Too many of us are working to come up with positive sounding words and affirmations—and hoping Law of Attraction responds to them. We are trying to put on a happy face and say happy words when we feel anything but happy.

In short: We are putting energy into saying the right thing instead of in feeling good.

Law of Attraction 101: You feel your thoughts.

“What you think about activates a vibration within you.” —Abraham

Another way to say that: Your thoughts create your feelings. What you think about is creating a vibration within you. And Law of Attraction is responding to that vibration.

I want to offer four ways for you to think about the vibration you are offering to which Law of Attraction is responding.

Remember: You are communicating with your vibration. And you are then receiving circumstances, people, events, situations, and things that are a match.

The vibration you offer—and being deliberate about the vibration you offer—is so important for creating deliberately rather than by default.

Let’s dive in to four ways for you to think about your vibration.

First, feeling good is what’s natural.

“You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because it is natural to you. But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration.” —Abraham

I’m not sure most or many of us would say that a high vibration is what is natural to us.

If you balk at this thought or feel a bit skeptical, just pause for a moment and consider the possibility of what Abraham is saying.

What if you don’t need to work so hard at being high vibe? What if it’s not so much about working to LIFT your vibration as it is simply taking your attention off whatever is causing you to feel bad.

“If you’re not thinking about a negative thought, your vibration is going to raise to its natural positive place.” —Abraham

That is your opportunity for practical application: Stop thinking negative thoughts. Stop thinking thoughts that cause you to feel bad.

Because the moment you do, your vibration is going to raise.

Feeling good is what’s natural. If you are not thinking about a negative thought, if you are thinking about what you want purely, you will feel good. The vibration you offer will put you in receiving mode for what you want to manifest.

Here’s a second way for you to think about your vibration: You can only perceive in relation to the vibration you are offering.

Let me say that another way: You can only perceive within the vicinity of how you feel.

This is why everything looks bleak when you are vibrating at the bottom of the emotional scale. And it’s why someone trying to point out all the good when you are feeling bad often has no impact whatsoever on how you actually feel.

“You are the owner of all that you perceive. But you can’t perceive apart from your vibration. Feel your way, little-by-little, into a greater sense of abundance by looking for the treasures that the Universe is offering you on a day-to-day basis.” —Abraham

I just love that advice. Feel your way, little by little. Abraham is saying you can’t jump from the bottom of the emotional scale to the top with a single thought in an instant. And you don’t need to.

Instead, you just want to feel your way, little by little, up the emotional scale.

From where you stand right now, with whatever vibration you are currently offering, just start to notice what is right, what is working, what is abundant. Looking for what Abraham is calling the “treasures” the Universe is offering you will go a long way in allowing you to perceive, little by little, things of a higher and higher vibration.

Why is this so important? This idea you cannot perceive apart from your vibration is so important because Law of Attraction is responding to the vibration you offer.

“As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So what you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match.” —Abraham

You can only perceive in relation to the vibration you are offering. If you want to start perceiving new and different and wanted things, then you want to start offering a vibration that is similar to what you want.

Here’s a third way for you to think about your vibration: Focusing on what bothers you is a really terrible idea.

You can’t fool the Law of Attraction. You will feel whatever it is you are focused on.

If you are focused on what your spouse is doing that you don’t like, how your boss is making the wrong decision, how your leaders are not leading in the way that you want—if you are focused on what bothers you, that is the vibration you are offering.

When you focus on what bothers you, you feel some flavor of bad. You might feel frustration or disappointment, worry or anger, fear or powerlessness,

“You can’t focus upon something that bothers you and something that doesn’t bother you at the same time, and in the moment you withdraw your attention from what’s bothering you, your vibration is going to rise.” —Abraham

Abraham’s direction is so very clear: Withdraw your attention from what’s bothering you. Withdraw your attention. Focus on something else. Stop reading or watching the news about it. Stop talking about it.

“The less you talk about it, the less it will be active in your vibration.” —Abraham

I want you to think about the past 24 hours. How often have you been talking about what’s bothering you, thereby making it active in your vibration?

You have an opportunity to manage your mind and stop thinking about what bothers you.

Focusing on what bothers you is a really terrible idea because you will only attract more into your life that is on the same frequency of what is bothering you. If you want to be deliberate about the vibration you offer, focus on what you like and want. Pay attention to what you appreciate.

Here’s the fourth way for you to think about your vibration: You have creative control through the vibration you offer.

“No one can deny you or grant you anything. It all comes to you by virtue of your vibration.” —Abraham

The Universe matches you up with circumstances, people, events, situations, and things of a similar frequency to the vibration you offer. Which is why offering your vibration on purpose is the only way to create deliberately.

You’ve probably heard the expression, You get what you give. But don’t misunderstand that saying.

  • If I give money and feel fearful while doing it, I’m giving fear more than money.
  • If I offer help to someone and feel frustrated while doing so, I’m giving frustration more than help.

It will be the vibration of fear and frustration that are attracting in my life. Not the money I give and the help I offer.

That’s because you get what you give with your vibration.

“The Universe is not punishing you or blessing you. The Universe is responding to the vibrational attitude that you are emitting.” —Abraham

Since my obsession with Law of Attraction, I often check in with myself: Jennifer, what’s your vibrational attitude? Oh my, does that ever clarify when my vibrational attitude is such that I’m not going to attract what I want into my life.

What about you? What is your vibrational attitude?

One way to answer that for yourself is to think about your go-to emotions over the past few days. What have you been feeling on a regular basis? Because that’s going to tell you a lot about the vibration you’ve been offering, about the vibrational attitude you are emitting.

“The Universe knows all things and is responding to the vibration that you are sending. When you are sending your vibration on purpose, you are orchestrating what the Universe is aligning for you.” —Abraham

You do have creative control through the vibration you offer. Offer your vibration on purpose so you can leverage the limitless resources and magical co-creation of the Universe.

Let me recap the four ways I shared for you to think about the vibration you are offering.

  • First, feeling good is what’s natural.
  • Second, you can only perceive in relation to the vibration you are offering.
  • Third, focusing on what bothers you is a really terrible idea.
  • Fourth, you have creative control through the vibration you offer.

Where do you have an opportunity for some fine tuning of your vibration?

“The only thing that matters is what you are doing right now in your vibration. And you can tell what you are doing in your vibration right now by the way you feel.” —Abraham